Thursday 9 February 2012

Model Communities
This week the students were provided with the materials to design and create models of the three types of communities, rural, suburban, and urban, that we have been studying. This was the summative assessment project where the students had to demonstrate their understanding of these communities and the types of infrastructures, systems and services they provide for their inhabitants. The level of enthusiasm and knowledge shared during this process was phenomenal! The students engaged in the activity with much excitement and energy as they presented, shared and discussed their ideas to come up with the plan for their community.  Just as in a real life situation, there was much debate and explanation of reasoning to get to the final product. The students are to be commended on a job well done! They rose to the occasion and everyone demonstrated a vast level of knowledge showing that they now have a wonderful understanding of the three types of communities. It proved to be a very successful project!
The models will be on display after school today and for the day on Friday, February 10th until after lunch, when we will have to dismantle the projects and organize the materials for storage in order to make room for the new unit after the ski break. If you get a chance, please drop by and see the creative models the students have designed.
 A Rural Community

A Suburban Community

An Urban Community