Monday 11 June 2012

The Best Thing About Grade 3
The best thing about grade 3 was Mr. Andrews, our cool and funny teacher!
      We learned to work together and help each other. (Lilian)
       Our teacher organized cool activities. (Larissa)
       Writing stories to make our own books. (Matteo)
       The field trip to the Winterthur Kläranlage. (Henri)
       We had fun units of inquiry. (Lottie)
       Our teacher has a good sense of humor. (Merle)
       We learned many new things, like painting. (Yannis)
       When we went to camp in Kreuzlingen and slept overnight. (Wout)
       We did a unit on communities and made cool models. (Tim)
       My classmates were kind and friendly. (Nico)
       We had fun parties to celebrate special events. (Martina)
       We had the best teacher ever. (Valentina)                  
But the best thing about grade 3 was Mr. Andrews, our cool and funny teacher!
Written by: The Grade 3 Class of 2012!

Dear Parents,
It has been a pleasure working with you throughout the past year. Your support to your children’s education has made my job much easier and it was greatly appreciated. It would not have been such a success without you. Thank you for investing in their futures! Thank you also for your continued support of me as your child’s teacher. Together we are stronger and this has proven to be very successful this year. To each of you, a great big THANK YOU!
      I wish you and your families a well deserved summer holiday!
Best regards,
Mr. Andrews J

Dear Students,
      Thank you for a wonderful year filled with many fond memories. You have each made a great impact this year and shown wonderful growth in many areas. I trust that you will take what you have learned with you into grade 4 next year. As you move on in your education, may you always think back to the time you had in grade 3 as a memorable and special time, as I will. Thank you for the memories!
      I wish you all the best in the future and especially in grade 4. Have a safe, happy and enjoyable summer holiday!
      I look forward to seeing you again in August! Remember, I am just next door!
All the best,
Mr. Andrews J